While the world is experiencing a tough circumstances with prolonged lockdown, there are plenty of ways you can lend a helping hand. Through community service projects, you’ll be able to connect with others, share your ideas and skills, learn more about yourself, and gain practical experience. Whether you decide to work directly with a group in your area or participate in a remote project from the comfort of home, your support can and will make a difference.


Ways of volunteering during COVID 19.

“Yet there are many ways you can serve for humanity.”


Volunteering virtually:


The growing popularity of remote work and online learning have made it possible to volunteer from home. No matter your location, you can get involved in a wide range of activities, including research projects, global initiatives, and skills development.


Participate research project:


VACSOM coordinates volunteer support for professional researchers. There are research projects conducted by VACSOM each year including humanitarian needs assessment on IDPs in Somalia, research on COVID 19 impact on community and others.

As a remote volunteer, you can take a part in the designing the research proposal, data analysis and report writing, also you can share new ideas that can improve the lives of marginalized population with our team.


Advocacy for humanity


Even during the lockdown, you can be the voice for those who are voice less, for those struggling to survive to be a life, for those kids lost their parents in the civil war or due to terrorist attacks. So be proactive and get ready to be the advocate for those in need your support, either sharing their stories with others through social media or appealing for them at the relevant institutions.


Safety guidance during COVID19


  • Observe social distance
  • Wear the face mask
  • Clean your hands or sanitize it
  • Avoid crowded areas
  • Get medical attention if you feel COVID 19 symptoms.