The Somali diaspora is spread worldwide; according to Catham House report in 2012; the largest concentration is found in the Horn of Africa and there is also a large diaspora presence in the UK, Italy, Scandinavia and other Western countries. These groups have extensive links not only back to Somalia, but with diaspora groups in different countries. In contrast to the overwhelmingly negative news coverage on Somalia, the influence of the diaspora represents a success story for the country. The Somali economy is still thriving despite the absence of the state, a clear demonstration of the proactive nature of Somalis.

In particular, the Somali diaspora has been heavily involved in humanitarian relief in the country. Figures vary, but there are estimates that remittances contribute between $1.3 billion and $2 billion per year. This includes money transferred to individuals, families, private investment and money for development. This support is quick, efficient, trusted and effective. It is also very well targeted, even in remote rural areas.

Voluntary Action Committee in Somalia (VACSOM) has designed a coordination platform to accommodate volunteers coming from abroad to help their local communities through sharing of their knowledge, skills and experience with those in need in Somalia. If you are interesting to be part of this movement, or to volunteer as a professional during your vacation time kindly communicate with our team.

To register as a volunteer, fill the following form or click here, for further information please contact us via