Our volunteers


Our volunteers

Volunteers form the backbone of our organisation and an integral part of our history, going back the date of establishment and the amazing contribution they did during the 2011 catastrophic drought in south and central Somalia. volunteers enrich our culture, strengthen our relationships and help to make our work more effective by contributing their time, skills, energy and enthusiasm.

VACSOM promotes civic values and charitable and responsible citizenship, especially among young people. It also encourages young women to participate in its volunteering programs, working with many private and academic institutions by means of collaboration agreements. The organization also works for the training of volunteers with special attention to young people, in order to enable them to become enhancers of social development.

Volunteers contribute to all areas of the organisation activities; including office duties and at field work as well. They help us to raise awareness, campaign for change, provide administrative support, assist in field work and offer their skills, time and experience to help us carry out our work.”

Currently, we are hosting more than 100 volunteers in different background and different professions including medical doctors, nurses, public health practitioners, educationist, social workers, IT professionals, and managers, as well as students from different faculties.

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FAQ Asked Questions

Yes, there is small fees ($10 per each volunteer) to be paid at the first time for registration, the above contribution will help us sustain our facility and cover the basic running cost.

No, we have both professional and non-professional (internship) volunteering programs, so it is not necessary to have special skills to volunteer. However,  there are some requirements to be fulfilled by its volunteers: 


  • Age: above 18 years from.
  • A positive attitude towards independent progress  of others 
  • A willingness to adapt to local community conditions 
  • A desire to interact and understand other  people’s culture and philosophy of life 
  • Be open-minded and willing to freely exchange  ideas, information and experiences without imposing your own values on others

Yes, it is open for all citizens and nationalities to take part in our voluntary projects. However, due to security concerns, we advise all foreigners to be enrolled in specific projects that arranged carefully with the administration team to ensure security and safety of our volunteers, for further details, kindly contact our office through:



VACSOM offers projects of different durations. Our monthly  Workcamps last for 3 weeks. Medium and Long Term projects last from two months  up to one year. Many volunteers also choose to participate in a Workcamp first,  before starting a Medium or Long Term Placement.

Because VACSOM will provide a means by which people can express a concern for others in a very tangible way through their investment of time and physical energy.


  • They enable you to live in a community which needs you and your help
  • To learn and understand the life and aspirations of the marginalized communities.
  • To become aware of human needs and of the necessity for working together in search of practical solutions to the country’s educational, social and cultural problems. 

Yes, we have prepared conduction training programs for the new comers, the training is conducted by professional and training experts

In fact, there is no specific evaluation for volunteers, since all has different educational and cultural background. However it depends on the program and you supervisor that can decide to conduct informal evaluation for the sake of motivation.

Yes, there will be a certificate of participation for all volunteers after finishing their period of volunteering, this certificate will advance our volunteers career status.


Yes, we have a specific department assigned for the safety and security of our volunteers providing updated security information and also conduct urgent intervention and evacuation if needed.

There is no payment for our programs since it is basically designed as voluntary based activities. However, we may pay some incentives to our professional volunteers for promotion purpose.